On The Road In 2021
My plan is to do a lot of racing in 2021 with all the deferrals I’ve had in 2020. In looking at where I’m racing and doing public speaking events, I see it’s also close to TikTok connections. I’m considering building in some TikTok Tour stops, meet people and get to know more about our country through these visits. It’d be great to keep #LivingSmall going during the summer of 2021 and do some training around the country. I will likely bring the kids along to some of the country to show off places that they have yet to experience as well. This is all contingent upon getting COVID under control but with the news of vaccines looking promising, I’m planning. The initial stops and some of the locations are mapped out but no dates (aside from race dates) are set yet. Where else should I race, visit or speak?